January 2025 Subscription Box
Featured Product: DEXCOM Continuous Glucose Monitor
Month-to-Month or Annual Subscriptions at a Discount
Single Purchase Options
1 AMA MMA CME Virtual Course Included
Thank you for purchasing with a purpose.
Curated by expert clinicians and brought to you by WeCare, A Nonprofit.
A large part of what started WeCare was our passion for continuing education and a continuum of care post-WeCare events. With this, our team has proudly created the WeCare Subscription box. Offering month-to-month subscriptions or annual subscriptions at a discount. Available for purchase by the general health enthusiast, or medical professional.
Featured Product: DEXCOM Continuous Glucose Monitor
Month-to-Month or Annual Subscriptions at a Discount
Single Purchase Options
1 AMA MMA CME Virtual Course Included
Featured Product: Burnout Inventory Tool
Month-to-Month or Annual Subscriptions at a Discount
Single Purchase Options
1 AMA MMA CME Virtual Course Included
Whatever your hope, we have a box available for you!
Prices range from $35 - $129/box.
Modern-day boxes filled with 1 AMA CME Credit per box alongside clinician chosen wellness products. All boxes curated by licensed healthcare professionals - made to support healthcare professionals and beyond.
Gifting, Single Self Care Boxes, or Ongoing Subscription Plans.
CME & HSA dollars accepted: Use your dollars to support yourself and your healthcare colleagues.
Our team offers discounted, custom size, scope, and types of boxes for larger bulk purchasing.
Please contact our team if you're looking to buy for your department, conduct a team-building event, or otherwise. Please email contact@wecrenonprofitfoundation.org.
If you wish to support our mission, we welcome you to please fill out one of the forms below so our team can follow up with you to discuss diverse opportunities to give!
Choose which topics interest you most, and we will continue to keep you updated throughout the year- sharing events, discounts, and other community news.